Dean Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Associate Dean for Research and Discovery, CALS, gives opening remarks to start the First Annual Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences Symposium!!!!
Dr. Trista North, Associate Professor of Pediatrics - Boston Children's Hospital gives her talk on "Extrinsic regulation of vertebrate hematopoietic stem cell development"
Dr. Reinhard Laubenbacher from the University of Florida gives his talk on "Digital twins in medicine and the life sciences".
Dr. Jim Cornette was instrumental in creating the BCB graduate program at Iowa State University.
Ashmita Mainali (MCDB) and Blessing Olabosoye (IGG) enjoy the poster competition.
Sahiba Siddiqui, a Genetics and Genomics graduate student with Dr. Maura McGrail, explains her 1st place poster to Genetics and Genomics graduate student Mudith Ekanayake.
Anna Schwake an undergraduate student in the Biochemistray program received an honorable mention for her poster presentation.
Anurag Das, a Neuroscience graduate student with Dr. Hua Bai, received 3rd place for the poster presentation.
Colleen Yanarella, a Bioinformatics and Computational Biology graduate student with Dr. Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, received 3rd place in the poster presentation.
Dr. Ryan Rapp an alumnus of the Genetics and Genomics graduate program gave a talk on "Different models for startups and careers in industry".
Creative Arts Showcase
Dr. Amanda Ramer-Tait an ISU alumna of the Immunobiology graduate program gave a talk on "Modulating microbiomes to limit metabolic inflammation".
Associate Vice President for Research Surya K. Mallapragada gives closing remarks for the symposium
Dr. Erik Vollbrecht, Genetics and Genomics Director of Graduate Education talks about Nick Lauter and the first annual Lauter Award for Graduate Student Creativity and Research Excellence.
David Hall, Genetics and Genomics graduate student with Dr. Ryan Smith, received 1st place in the Oral Presentation category.
Clayton Carley, an Agronomy student with Akeesh Singh, and Swathy Krishna, an Animal Science with Joshua Selsby, were the award winners for the First Annual Lauter Award for Graduate Student Creativity and Research Excellence.
And the remaining 500+ photos can be found here!