2024 Abstract Submission - Coming Soon

2024 Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences Symposium Abstract Submission

The deadline for the abstract submission is February 23rd, and you upload your abstract to the cybox folder with your submission titled: Lastname_firstname_IBS_abstract_2024. We ask that you keep the abstract within the 250-word limit.

In the registration format, you can select your presentation as a poster, oral, or both. Whether you will be able to present in both formats will be dependent on the registration numbers.

If you have a poster from a previous professional conference, you are welcome to use it. If you plan on drafting a new poster, the maximum dimensions must be 4 X 3 ft, and we will print your posters for you. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long (~12 minutes with 2-3 minutes for questions). 

Further details on the poster and oral presentations will be sent out once we have a list of all the registrants. 

We encourage anyone in a biological research field to submit an abstract. This is a great opportunity to network professionally and get familiar with all the cool research at ISU!